May 2021 – This study is now complete and available for download.
March 2020 – Franca Facci (MHP), Chris Lacey (MCCI) and consultant John Petersen met with the feasibility study funding body in March and provided a briefing on the final report. The next stage is to advocate for funding. Franca, Chris and John met briefly and drafted a bit of a strategy which will be further developed when COVID-19 restrictions allow. The Covid 19 restrictions have impacted on the progress on the follow up of the feasibility study. It is hoped that towards the latter half 2021 that work towards a museum of human migration will be back on track.
20 September 2019 – The fourth stakeholders meeting was held. The fact sheet had been re-circulated and a number of supportive submissions have been received from organisations and individuals. The consultant engaged to conduct the feasibility study, John Petersen, continues to meet with various bodies including the local museums network, as well as other consultants with regard to Port Kembla masterplan, zoning restrictions and Warrawong Library redevelopment. Discussions with the representative from the Aboriginal Land Council continues. The meeting also discussed the importance of keeping children in mind when considering the likely museum audience and how to showcase technology and immersive exhibitions with sound research methods. The project is now 60% through in terms of the timeline. The draft report will be made available to Chris Lacy and Franca Facci for review about mid-October which will then be circulated to the stakeholders for comment by early November. Next meeting to be held on 1 November 2019
30 August 2019 – The third stakeholders meeting was held. An update of the progress being made by the consultant was presented to the meeting. Valuable dialogue with a representative from the Aboriginal community was undertaken to ensure the complete story about migration and displacement is told as well as the connection to place. The call for submissions or letters of support for a museum of human migration was extended to 14 September 2019.
8 August 2019 – Call for Ideas, Information or Make a Formal Submission. A special edition of the MHP Newsletter was sent to the MHP eNews subscribers as well as Facebook and Instagram posts giving details on how you or your organisation can contribute ideas or information to support the proposed Museum of Human Migration. You can also make a formal submission. A fact sheet is available from this website where you can read about the feasibility study and how you can submit your ideas. If you are not already a subscriber sign up to the MHP eNewsletter to stay up to date.
6 August 2019 – Work has started towards the feasibility study for a Museum of Human Migration for our city. Two Stakeholder Consultation meetings have been held so far. The meetings are held monthly and in between meetings John Petersen, the consultant engaged to undertake the research to develop and write the feasibility study, is busy meeting with a wide range of people and organisations. The first meeting provided an overview of the project, obtained initial feedback and ideas and scoped ongoing interest in the consultation process. The second meeting focussed on the information sheet produced as a result of the recommendations by the Stakeholders at the first meeting as well as discussing key considerations, timeline and a communication strategy. These meetings are held at the MCCI office in Wollongong and are chaired by the Chair of the Migration Heritage Project, Franca Facci. This is a joint MCCI and MHP project and you can read the information sheet and how you can contribute your ideas on this website